Oh Sugar, Sugar!

Oh Sugar, Sugar!

Summer is quickly approaching and that’s great news—especially for those that enjoy all the thrills the warm weather brings: swimming, camping, hiking, fishing, boating, etc.! Along with all that summer fun come lots of sweet treats. From ice cream to cotton candy to sweet tea, it seems there are endless possibilities to satisfy that sweet tooth during the warm months. But, while it’s OK to enjoy those things from time to time, we all know that indulging in these things regularly can wreak havoc on our blood sugar.

The Eyes Have It

The Eyes Have It

Did you know that blue light has both advantages AND disadvantages? I know! We seem to always hear about how bad it is, but it has some benefits, too. And, it’s everywhere. It’s not just being emitted from electronic devices with screens. Actually, the sun is our main source of blue light. Our devices emit only a fraction of what the sum emits, but we spend much more time with our devices and we are in much closer proximity to them than the sun. That is why the blue light from devices has become such a problem. And that is why they are potentially such a danger to our eyes and our vision.